Sometimes. We will generally lend you up to 65% of the property value and, unlike a conventional lender, will not reduce the loan amount just because the purchase price is much lower than the property value. Thus, if you buy right, you may be able to get a loan for 100% of the purchase price, although most times we require you to at least pay closing costs.
For example, if you find a property worth $100,000.00 and get the sellers to unload it for $60,000.00, we may well give you the full $60,000.00 purchase price.
On the other hand, if you are buying a rehab property that is worth only what you are paying for it until such time that it can be repaired, we will most likely will do one of two things: 1) give you only up to 65% of the purchase price (which means you must find the other 35%); or 2) give you the full purchase price and require you to establish a construction escrow to insure you make the repairs to increase the value to an amount substantially higher than the original purchase price.
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